Friday, March 27, 2009

French chicks

Yesterday our new chickens arrived. 4 black beauties, 3 black/ brown, 1 grey/ black.

We immediatly clipped their wings (feathers only of course). When we started with chickens, some 4 years ago, we bought 4 for €10,-. Admitted, they were small and it took 2 months before they laid eggs. In the shop where we ordered the chickens they asked if we wanted them ready to lay eggs or small ones. I choose ready to lay. Black or brown?, she asked? We always had brown ones, so I said: black please. And I forgot to ask the price. A whopping €36,-. For that kind of money you have easily 4 Label Rouge top quality chickens, ready to eat. Ok, ok, they don't lay eggs anymore, but you also don't have to feed them.

The promise of the shop came true, after a couple of hours we had our first egg.

Sacha, our hunting dog, is obsessed with them. She would kill all 4 of them, given the chance, that's why we clipped the wings. But tonight when I went to close the door of the henhouse, one was sitting on the roof! So, despite the clipping they can still fly a bit. Tomorrow I have to put a net over the chicken pen, or they will be Sacha's.

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