Thursday, April 21, 2011

The French adventure.

The French adventure is drawing to a close. Mainly because of family circumstances we have decided to move back to the Netherlands. The house has been sold, a new house has been bought.
We are now entering a very busy period of packing, moving and unpacking, so there will be little time for blogging. Once settled in Terneuzen, the town where we bought another house, we will update our followers.
Meanwhile we are enjoying the very early spring, with all it's splendor. Les Catalpas is always at it's best this time of year.

1 comment:

Gepensioneerd en nu buschauffeur said...

Oeps...Kees, daar kijk ik van op. Lijkt me moeilijk om afscheid te nemen van dit prachtige stukje grond. Nou geen "Franse Kees" meer, maar Zeeuwse Kees...? Veel sterkte en succes met de verhuizing.

Groeten van Ton uit Elburg